What is “Puppy Culture”? Review of Our Experience

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By WalterThornton

Bosco is a fictional dog that I would like to introduce to you. Bosco was raised in the same way as many puppies: in a kennel. They were allowed to exercise and the place was kept clean. Bosco was only able to interact with his owners occasionally. Bosco was 8 weeks old when he found a family and grew up puppy culture. Although they loved Bosco, they noticed some “quirks.” That made it difficult for them to get along with him.
If you have been around dogs for a while, chances are you’ve seen a Bosco dog. Although they might not be as nervous as Bosco, they share similar characteristics.

One might wonder if Bosco was ever abused at home puppy culture. This is a common assumption for dogs with emotional instability, but it is rarely true. Bosco was not abused. He was just poorly trained and socialized in the critical first 12 weeks.

Today, I am thrilled to share with Photography Session you Puppy Culture, a program that helps dogs avoid becoming Bosco.

Continue reading to learn more about Puppy Culture, the breeds it produces, and why it is used in our breeding program. You may be wondering what this all means for you, the puppy owner. I will try to explain the benefits.

What is puppy culture?

Puppy Culture was created by Jane Messineo Lindquist. It consists of a series of videos and a book that outlines the protocols and procedures of the program.

These videos show Bull Terriers in their first 12 weeks of existence. They are shown in “Teachumentory” style. It cuts back from showing the methods to explaining the science behind them.


This workbook is incredible! The workbook gives you clear instructions on what to do and when to do it. It also includes worksheets and charts to help track your puppy’s progress. Each week will contain puppy milestones and the actions that must be taken once they are met. The book is packed with helpful reminders and tips that will help your dog stay on the right track.

The critical first 12 weeks

You might be wondering, “Why the first 12 weeks?” It makes sense to train and address behavior when puppies are older.

You’ll be glad to know that I will.

Research has shown that puppies’ brains can be likened to sponges. Young puppies can process and absorb information faster than older dogs. The best thing is that the information they receive now will remain with them for a long period of time.

Puppy puppies also show very little fear in their first weeks. Therefore, new experiences are welcomed with curiosity. Puppy Culture teaches you how to introduce puppies to different objects, places, and experiences they may encounter throughout their lives. Always in a positive way. Puppy Culture teaches them to approach new experiences with calm and curiosity, not fear. More on this later.

The first 12 weeks of training a puppy are crucial in shaping him into the dog we want. Although training later in life can work, it is much harder and takes more effort.

new experiences – fear or curiosity?
Remember my fictitious dog, Bosco? He was afraid of new experiences. This is not a good thing for dog owners. Dogs need to be able to take on new challenges and find joy in life.

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Dogs will carry the fear of new things for life if they are taught in their first 12 weeks. They will learn to enjoy new experiences and find joy in them. They should approach new experiences calmly and confidently.

Puppy Culture encourages owners and breeders to bring a new experience or object to their puppies every day starting at 10 days of age. You can choose to give your puppy new surfaces, textures, toys, or household items. You might experience a different room, hear new sounds or feel water for the first-time.

The puppies experience more and more as they grow. They can explore the outside and take car rides. If the weather is good, they can even go to the beach.


Poorly socialized puppies will become fearful and aggressive towards new dogs and people. The same applies to new experiences. They will most likely be afraid of dogs and people they don’t meet in their first 12 weeks. It is a natural instinct for protection.

Fear and aggression towards dogs and other people can cause serious problems for both the dog’s owner and the dog. It is important to socialize your dog early, even if you don’t plan on taking your dog outside or inviting others to your home.

The Puppy Culture program provides a lot more guidance and instruction to help puppies become well-socialized. The Puppy Culture program recommends that the puppies be exposed to a wide range of people, including men and women with beards, hair, coats, heels, glasses, and people with beards.


There are also the popular Puppy Parties! Puppy Culture breeders will invite some guests who have experience with dogs to help them train their puppies through an agility course. Even if the puppies don’t have the potential to be agile, these small challenges can help them overcome their fears and learn how to obey their owners.

The Puppy Party ends with a meal at the table for the pups to see what entertaining guests looks like.

Puppies are allowed to interact with adult dogs as they grow. This helps them to become good citizens of the dog world. Breeders seek adult dogs who are gentle and firm but can be a good example for their puppies.