We Need to Follow These New Relationship Tips

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By WalterThornton

Your relationship in real life would look something like this: The ultimate meet-cute would see you kissing and sharing a meal together, with spilled flour, sunset walks holding hands, and perhaps a tandem bike ride. It’s no surprise that relationships develop less cinematically in real-life. It can be difficult to start a relationship, but it can make or break your love life. These are key pieces of advice for starting a relationship (and deciding if it is worth keeping). Meet us at Melbourne Speed Dating events or Social Melbourne Meetups. We have something for everyone, whether you are looking to meet someone new at singles events, make new friends, or simply want to get out of the house and meet new people.

The future is now, so focus on the present.

It is normal to bring your negative experiences and fears to a new relationship. This is a survival mechanism to avoid getting your heart broken again. Even though old fears and insecurities can prevent heartbreak, it can also hinder your ability to be happy in a new relationship. Don’t be afraid to trust your partner if you have had a relationship with someone who was not faithful. You should be focusing on the unique qualities of your new partner. You should trust your new partner if they are trustworthy enough to date.

It’s never too early to start talking about the future

You shouldn’t be too focused on the past. But you should at least try to focus on the future. You don’t have to ask them how many children they want (and probably shouldn’t), but it’s not a good idea to wait to find out if they are serious about marriage after a year of dating. Although it’s not always easy to discuss things such as life goals, religion and marriage, you should bring your deal-breakers to the conversation. Once you see a future together, you will be at least on the right page. Communicate your goals, no matter if you are looking for a long-term relationship, or a casual affair.

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You should be attracted to the person and not the idea of a relationship.

Sometimes, we desire to be in a romantic relationship so much (dating can be exhausting), that we don’t realize how much we are attracted to the idea. You run the risk of putting other people in boxes they don’t like or forcing them into a relationship. Because you are convinced that this will work, your mind overlooks flaws and red flags. Instead, accept your partner as they are. Take them at face value. Is it possible that they are not the one for you. If you find their company so enjoyable that you would want to spend your time with them regardless of whether they were “The One”, then you are likely to be attracted to them.

Make friends with each other

You may feel tempted to keep the relationship private, especially if it is a new relationship. It is important to make friends as soon as possible. How you interact with your partner’s friends can tell you a lot about the person and how they will treat each other. If all your partner’s friends happen to be huge douches, it could mean that you don’t know your partner as well. ).

Do not send important messages to text.

When it comes to checking in and sending humorous memes to your partner while at work, texting can be a blessing. Texting should be used only for making plans and laughing at TikToks. Talking about your feelings or resolving disagreements with one another should be done in person. Texting can make it awkward for people to communicate with each other. If you sense an argument coming on, and you are in a position where you cannot at least talk over the telephone, tell your partner that you will discuss it together.

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Be you

Okay, this sounds so cliché, it’s embarrassing to even write it. Young, single Josie would have been saved a lot of time and wasted effort if I was 100% myself on every date and at every beginning of any new relationship. It’s normal to want to appear cool and cool at the beginning. You pretend to watch horror movies on the Hallmark channel instead, and tell them that you enjoy their arty music, even though you only listen Taylor Swift’s first three albums. You don’t have to shave your legs every day – that is a more innocent time – but be open about your likes and dislikes and who you are. It will save you time and heartbreak dealing with people who are not a good match for you, but it will also help you find the right person.

Enjoy it!

A personal story: I can recall the beginnings of all my relationships and all the times that I was worried about my hair and makeup before I went on dates. I also remember the signs I looked into to see if they weren’t as interested in me as I thought they would. The beginning of relationships is so special. While the “new relationship bubble” has yet to burst, the honeymoon phase feels like it will never end and you are smiling like a million times a day. When your heart is on the line, it’s normal for you to feel nervous or hesitant to be vulnerable. No matter how difficult a new relationship may seem, you should still enjoy it. Take the time to notice all the little things, do new things together, have fun.

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